Make-Up Week in RAL
Alright alright alright, it’s make-up week kids! If your team has a DNR or if you have an Individual DNR, it would behoove you to get those made up!
Both listed below, and can also be found on the schedule page or on the stats spreadsheets.
Teams that have a DNR:
Koko Skee Ware
Balls to the Wall
U Can’t Skee Me
Duck Dynaskee
Individuals with at least one DNR:
Stat Boy CU Next Thursday
CT USkeeLA (2)
Thomas Shaffer Koko Skee Ware (3)
LHP Last Skeeson’s T-Shirt
Bret Last Skeeson’s T-Shirt
Charlie* Balls to the Wall (2)
Kate Sisco SkeeJ Hairstons
Ben* LLUA (2)
Allison* There’s Always Next Week
Capps* Duck Dynaskee (2)
Cindy* LLUA
Andy* Ninja Skeez
Becca* U Can’t Skee Me (3)
John* LLUA
Mandy* Duck Dynaskee