“I’m back, b*tches!”

by Farrell on February 27, 2013

Vol XII Issue 2 copy resized

Allow me if you will to transport you back in time.  Back to Skeeson I in Raleigh. It was a simpler time, a time when Raleigh wasn’t the dominant city in the ‘Nation. A time, in fact, when most of the Raleigh rollers couldn’t even find their 40.

As we were heading into the playoffs, my team (Pirates of the Carriskeean) was sitting comfortably in 1st place. It was pretty much a foregone conclusion that the Chalice was ours. Our first round opponent was the #8 seed, Ali Baba and the 40 Skeeves, and they posed zero threat to us….or so I thought. I had severely underestimated Wes Knapp’s ability to talk sh*t and get under his opponents skin. Fast forward to the end of the match and my #1 squad had fallen to these #8 Skeeves, due largely in part to Wes’ constant chatter…..and maybe due a little bit to his rolling.

It was the biggest upset the ‘Nation had seen to date, and ever since then I have not slept on Wes Knapp….neither literally nor figuratively. And I recommend you follow suit. Even with this ten skeeson break under his belt, the lanes don’t lie….he can still roll and I wouldn’t want to be pitted against him when it counts.

Oh, and I guess Scotty the Body was riding Wes’ coat-tails last Thursday as they won the Free Skee tourney. Typical Scotty the Body.

PS In true Wes form, he posted the following clip to Facebook the morning after winning the Free Skee tourney and said:

I mean…. 18s-37s of this clip pretty much sums up last night, where The Body and I destroyed everyone and won the skeeball tournament last night… I mean, I expected more but… well… you should watch that part of the clip and take it to heart.

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