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March 3, 2010

I got $20 says I could beat Neil Best of Newsday in skeeball.
Wait a minute, did he just say skeeball was tax deductible?!?!?!?  Someone get my accountant on the line asap!
What, I don’t have an accountant?!?!? Sh*t.  Well someone get my bookie on the line asap and set up this skeeball showdown with this Neil [...]

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Skeeball Challenge: Jimmy Fallon vs Ashton Kutcher

August 12, 2009

Allow me to paint this picture for you:  It’s Tuesday night around 11:45 and I just got in from a little bday celebration in Uptown Charlotte.  I decided to turn on Conan and started working on some skeeball stuff.  Conan ended and Jimmy Fallon began. No biggie.  His first guest was Ashton Kutcher.  Again no [...]

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