Posts tagged as:

Skeeson X

Simply unbeatable – the best ever! (Charlotte Skeeball Skeeson X)

October 21, 2009

I’m trying to rack my brain for the last time one person dominated a sport like this and I’m coming up empty.  Sure Michael Jordan won six championships over 8 years as well as multiple MVP awards.  But did he win the dunk contest and three point contest in the same season as any of [...]

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K Skee Masterpiece Skeeson X Champions! (Charlotte Skeeball Skeeson X)

October 21, 2009

Well I’ll be damned.  With their third roller (Mikey Waytena) out of town for Super Saturday, Brandon and Steve-O had to scramble to find a third to fill in, while abiding by the sub rules for the summer skeeson.  After several phone calls and emails, things weren’t looking good for K Skee Masterpiece.  And then [...]

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The High Rollers Report (Charlotte Skeeball Skeeson X)

September 25, 2009

[Editor's note:  Each skeeson I choose someone to write The High Rollers Report.  I protect this person's anonymity so that he/she may write whatever he/she pleases without having to fear for his/her life.  This person submitted the report with a statement saying "this is absolutely the best report ever written."  I rolled my eyes and [...]

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Say Hello to The Final Four! (Charlotte Skeeball Skeeson X)

September 24, 2009
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Skeeson X Playoffs — Tonight! (Charlotte Skeeball Skeeson X)

September 23, 2009
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Playoff Picks – Part 2 (Charlotte Skeeball Skeeson X)

September 22, 2009

Because this skeeson is wide open as far as who could win the Chalice, we’ve decided to use 5 different methods to evaluate and “pick” who might win the playoffs.  The five methods are:  1) My 6 year old niece picking, 2) Coin Flip, 3) Based on how many veterans on the team and how [...]

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4 Day Countdown — Super Saturday! (Charlotte Skeeball Skeeson X)

September 22, 2009

4 days my friends.  4 days!
Blonde Lounge – Doors open at 12:00!  Skee there or Skee square!

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Playoff Picks – Part 1 (Charlotte Skeeball Skeeson X)

September 21, 2009

Because this skeeson is wide open as far as who could win the Chalice, we’ve decided to use 5 different methods to evaluate and “pick” who might win the playoffs.  The five methods are:  1) My 6 year old niece picking, 2) Coin Flip, 3) Based on how many veterans on the team and how [...]

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