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Skeeee…Wok! (Charlotte Skeeball Skeeson X)

September 1, 2009

Listen,  I’m not really into Star Wars or Star Trek or any of that stuff, but while I was posting this I realized that we could pretty much do our own low-budget version of Star Wars at Blonde Lounge.  We’ve already got the Ewoks (Skeee…Wok!) and Chewbacca (Skeebacca) and R2D2 (M2B2) covered, and I’m pretty [...]

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It’s elementary, my dear Watson! (Charlotte Skeeson X)

August 4, 2009

Kyle Watson. Wow.  A lot of you “vets” might think this guy is a rookie, but you’d be wrong.  Kyle played waaayyyyy back in the day in Skeesons II and III on Skeee….Wok! before most of you were even born.  And while he may have replaced his old skeemates with some rookies, he’s showing that [...]

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