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Skee Generation X

Skee Gen X takes home the Skeeson IV Chalice!

June 2, 2010

Skeeson V kicks off tomorrow night in Raleigh and El Duke wanted me to remind everyone who won last skeeson.  So here ya go!

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Dynaskee rolls a 1032!!

March 3, 2010

You ever get the feeling that you’re just being f*cked with?  Like at first you’re like “okay, cool” but then it starts slowly turning to “wait a minute, are they f*cking with me?”
Well that’s what I think is going on between Dynaskee and me.  After Week 1 they rolled a 911.  Impressive.  In Week 2 [...]

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1727 — Highest score EVER!

February 10, 2010

That isn’t a typo, nor are you seeing things.  On Thursday, February 4th, 2010, Big Play Ray, El Duke, and Mr Burgundy — collectively known as Skee Generation X — rolled a new record, which just might be an unbreakable record.  And not only that, they smashed the old record of 1321, set by Bar-Skee-Qrue [...]

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And Skeeson IV begins with a bang!

February 3, 2010

Take a moment and inhale deeply.  Notice that smell?  That smell my friends is trouble a brewing.  The power team of Mr. Burgundy, El Duke, and Big Play Ray came into the skeeson talking a lot of junk and throwing around phrases like “breaking records” and “untouchable”.  And they definitely made an opening statement for [...]

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