April 15, 2010
[Editor's note: A bunch of the Raleigh Rollers are playing together on a softball team during the off-skeeson. Mark will be giving updated stats after their games, including which skeelebrity fans were in the stands. Below are the recaps for their first four games.] GAME 1 [Ed's note: I can't find the stats for this [...]
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March 31, 2010
Yup, SkeeNation has a softball team now. Starring such Raleigh skeelebrities as: Evan, Sniper, The Dozen, Mark, Lloyd, DMC, Erica, and Renee McG. Wait, what?!?!? Renee plays softball??? Hmmmm, interesting. Anyways, if you wanna cheer these fools on, their games are played on Mondays (at Thomas Brooks Park in Cary) and Wednesdays (Middle Creek Hig).
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