Posts tagged as:

High Rollers Tournament

Skeeson XIV High Rollers Report!

April 15, 2011

[Ed's note:  If you don't know by now....each skeeson I choose a skeelebrity to write their "picks" about the High Rollers Tourney.  They get to do it anonymously so he/she can say whatever he/she would like to about whomever.  If they make fun of you it means they like you. Take it with a grain [...]

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Charlotte Brackets Released!

April 13, 2011


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El Duke – King of the Lanes!

March 23, 2011

[Ed's note:  Like I said below, it just came to my attention that these had never been posted from Raleigh's most recent Super Saturday.  Fired two interns today. Le sigh.] What a way to go out, huh?  El Duke knew for a while that he was moving to Boston at the end of the skeeson, [...]

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Boyd runs through the High Rollers Tourney

March 16, 2011

  Boyd told me ahead of time he was gonna take home the hardware, and he did just that.  Heading into the Finals of the High Rollers Tourney, he would be going up against his great friend and biggest rival (Bearcat).  …and the match-up did not disappoint.  After 5 games, the series was tied up [...]

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Raleigh Brackets Released!

August 9, 2010

Continue below for the High Rollers bracket and Wild Card bracket, and be sure to check the Schedule page for your match times (if you can’t read the bracket….)

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Skeeson XI Super Saturday Recap

May 9, 2010

Somehow these issues of Rolling Times were never published on the website, so we figured before Skeeson XII officially kicks off this week, we should update the people on the results of Skeeson XI Super Saturday…. Sean Potter wins the HRT! — After his mid-skeeson hype and cover, The Mad Potter only got better and [...]

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