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Free Skee

Louisville rocks (and rolls) their first Free Skee!

April 7, 2011

If their first free skee event was any indication, Louisville is about to be make a big splash on the SkeeNation map!  Kids can party….but more importantly they can straight up roll!  Watch out ATL, Louisville is coming for ya!!

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Greeno and Gatskee grab the goods!

March 30, 2011

Gatskee and Greeno ran shop during the free skee tourney last week…which poses two questions: 1)  Is Gatskee back?  After two skeesons of sub-par performances, has Gatskee found his mojo on the lanes again? and 2)  With the Skee Gen X boys dismantled (Duke moved to Boston and Big Play Ray went into retirement), who [...]

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Skeeson XIV getting ready to kick off — sign up now!

February 1, 2011

Well well well, what do we have here?  Ah yes, it’s Rowdy Roddy once again dominating the skeeball lanes.  But this time he took a rookie with him to the promised land….and not once, but twice!  Roddy and rookie Polly were paired up for the free skee tourney last week and the vengeful vet taught [...]

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Skeely Dan and rookie Ben dominate the first Free Skee!

September 6, 2010

Don’t look now (okay, go ahead and look), but the Money Balls have made their way to Charleston for Skeeson III! With some high-rolling rooks, and quite a few strong vet teams returning, this is looking to be one hell of a competitive skeeson!  Among those strong vets is Skeely Dan. He, Summar, and Sean [...]

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Mr. Burgundy and Darryl dominate the Free Skee tourney! (Raleigh Skeeball Skeeson III)

August 12, 2009

There’s not really a whole lot to say here.  Burgundy’s summer has been miserable since Sunday, June 14th (the day after Skeeson II Super Saturday).  His team got knocked out of the playoffs early on, he didn’t win the High Rollers Tourney, and he’s been itching to get back on the lanes for over two [...]

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The Money Balls are here! (Raleigh Skeeball Skeeson III)

August 5, 2009

Tomorrow (Thursday) night is your last chance to sign up for Skeeson III, so don’t drop the ball!  Doors open at 7pm.  At 8:00 we’ll draw for two on two teams, and do the unveiling of the money balls!  Don’t be late!  To register your team, or for more info, email [email protected].

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Gardner and The Makers Marksman win the first Free Skee Tourney! (Raleigh Skeeball Skeeson III)

August 5, 2009

Last Thursday was crazy at The Bassment! With over 30 teams in the two on two tourney, the skeeball lanes were rockin!  But in the end, visiting skeelebrity Brandon “The Makers Marksman” Harris and John Gardner were the last team standing.   Adam and Alexis put up a valiant fight in the finals, but it wasn’t [...]

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