Posts tagged as:

Final Countdown

The Final Countdown!

December 1, 2010

Charlotte playoffs are tonight and tomorrow night! 3 Days until Super Saturday!  Let the countdown begin!

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November 12, 2010

Email from West Weemhoff today: Today is the day my friend.  Today is the day.  The day so many have anticipated and so many have prepared for.  Today is the day that we sons and daughters of fortune and favor have strived for.  Many years from now when we are gray or gone our sons [...]

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Hot Links! 5/11/10

May 11, 2010

[Hot Links typically has nothing to do with skeeball, but some pretty entertaining stuff that's floating around the internets.] This kid is about to be famous all over the web, and I couldn’t remember the last time I saw pure, natural, undiscovered talent like this: Oh wait, yes I can. It’s when I discovered this [...]

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4 Day Countdown — Super Saturday! (Charlotte Skeeball Skeeson X)

September 22, 2009

4 days my friends.  4 days! Blonde Lounge – Doors open at 12:00!  Skee there or Skee square!

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Super Saturday — 5 Day Countdown! (Charlotte Skeeball Skeeson X)

September 21, 2009

Yup, it’s that time again — The Final Countdown to Super Saturday.  And what better way to count it down than to honor two great actors (RIP Patrick Swayze and Chris Farley) in one of the funniest SNL skits of all time. 5 days until Super Saturday at Blonde Lounge. Doors open at noon and [...]

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Raleigh – 4 Day Countdown!

February 17, 2009

[youtube=] (watch the video or you’ll have no clue what my diatribe is referring to) I’ve made some bold comments in my lifetime as well as some asinine declarations. But this may just be the most serious one to date. I want to hire this kid to follow me around wherever I go on Friday [...]

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