Posts tagged as:


Does Texas Skeet have the right pieces?

January 5, 2011

I like this squad. A lot. I mean not just on the lanes…I like partying with all three of these guys as well, which speaks volumes.  Before the skeeson starts, there’s always rumblings and rumors about “super teams” who is playing with whom.  Well these three vets teamed up and they have not disappointed.  Obviously [...]

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CT vs. WonderBoy — Who ya got?

July 28, 2010

Like I said in the skeemail, this is a huge matchup.  Both skeesoned vets, both with some hardware to their name, both teams fighting for 4th/5th/6th place. This match is going to be an all out war and I can guarantee you WB and CT aren’t going to miss a whole lot of 40s/50s. Catch [...]

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CT and Co. Burn up the rankings into 4th place!

July 7, 2010

That’s pretty much all there is to it  — Is CT’s squad, “It Burns When I Skee”, the real deal contender, or are the scores over-inflated due to subbing?  I’ll let the people decide:

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Dynaskee rolls a 1032!!

March 3, 2010

You ever get the feeling that you’re just being f*cked with?  Like at first you’re like “okay, cool” but then it starts slowly turning to “wait a minute, are they f*cking with me?” Well that’s what I think is going on between Dynaskee and me.  After Week 1 they rolled a 911.  Impressive.  In Week [...]

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CT's Public Service Announcement (Raleigh Skeeball Skeeson III)

September 1, 2009
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