Posts tagged as:


24 Hour Skee-A-Thon: Hit The Lanes for Liam! (1 month countdown!)

December 15, 2010

Sure, there’s a lot of partying and joking around that’s built in as part of the fun of being a member of the SkeeNation family.  But when sh*t hits home, you better believe we’re gonna come together and help some of those family members out. As many of you are already aware, Liam Fudge was [...]

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BOOM goes the dynamite!

October 6, 2010

Talk about dropping a bomb on the league in Week 1, huh?  Yikes!  I could write about how Candyman and Sunil are reunited from their Skeeson VII Championship days (REO Skeedwagon), or I could talk about how Sunil decided to roll up the middle for once and got back to his old school high roller [...]

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The Return of the Candyman!

September 14, 2010

Just when you thought it was safe to play skeeball again — The Candyman is back! Brian “The Candyman” Fudge has been a staple in the league for as long as I can remember.  He started hanging out back in Skeeson V when his wife Dawn was playing, then he started subbing in occasionally.  Then [...]

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The Candyman makes a cameo…?

June 15, 2010

Word on the street is that Brian “The Candyman” Fudge is coming out of retirement to sub this week…..

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