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A Boy Named Skee

The Final Four!

July 15, 2010

And so it comes down to this.  The Final Four teams will battle it out on Saturday for the right to stand atop the lanes with their Champions Chalices and own the title of Skeeson XII Champions! Who wants it the most?  B Harris and his band of bourbon-imbibing bros?  Tom Taylor and his talented [...]

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1001! 1001! 1001!

June 15, 2010

A Boy Named Skee just rolled a 1001 — the highest match score of the skeeson!  And the impressive part is that there were only two hundos involved in the whole match (H-Town).  Can they continue this hot streak or is it all dependent upon which lane they roll on? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz…….the photo of West was [...]

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A Boy Named Skee finally comes to play!

June 2, 2010

It’s about time.  A Boy Named Skee got hyped up big time during the pre-skeeson and then came in and $hit the bed in Week 1 with an 816.  In Week 2, they broke 900, but everyone knows a 927 won’t win championships. In Week 3, they finally showed their true talent, rolling a 987. [...]

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Clamburglars Steal a Big Win in Week 1!

May 18, 2010

In what could possibly be a Super Saturday preview, The Clamburglars took on A Boy Named Skee in Week 1 and absolutely demolished them.  H-Town imploded and Potter wasn’t himself, which left The Toolman to attempt to carry the squad.  On the other side you had Tommy and Ben Jamin, back from a few skeesons [...]

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