MKE High Rollers Tourney and Wild Card brackets released!
Posted in Milwaukee Skeeball League by Farrell On July 31, 2013

Check out all the action this Saturday at G-Daddy’s BBC in Milwaukee!
MKE playoff bracket released!
Posted in Milwaukee Skeeball League by Farrell On July 30, 2013

Milwaukee Skeeson IV playoffs are tomorrow night! Can anyone beat the Heebie Skeebies? Will Unicorn Ballz shock the world and advance to Super Saturday?
Is Justin’s magical ride over?
Posted in Milwaukee Skeeball League by Farrell On July 23, 2013

After winning back-to-back Chalices, has Justin’s magic finally run out? The Unicorn Ballz started off hot at the beginning of the skeeson and were among the top teams in the league, but after a DNR and three consecutive games in the 700s,
Starskee, Hutch, and Huggy Bear: Always on the Lookout for a Big Roll!
Posted in Milwaukee Skeeball League by Farrell On July 9, 2013

Tough on the the lanes, but easy on the eyes. Can these guys stay on top long enough to win the big prize?
Fox 6 Milwaukee does a nice news piece on the skeeball league!
Posted in Milwaukee Skeeball League by Farrell On July 1, 2013

Hands down greatest quote ever from a skeeball interview goes to Tim Lemanski: “Scott Tucker, I heard you wear the tightest pants in all of Milwaukee. How does that feel?” PS Had some trouble embedding the video, so click here for
Heebie Skeebies making it rain all skeeson long!
Posted in Milwaukee Skeeball League by Farrell On June 25, 2013

Some people may have found it odd when James “The Weatherman” Butz showed up to skeeball in a rain jacket. But then again, those people aren’t on a team comprising of both the Full 40 leader and the Full 50 leader. And
Coming soon to a theater near you!
Posted in Milwaukee Skeeball League by Farrell On June 18, 2013

From the director of Momster’s Inc, The Momster Mash, and Momster-In-Law, comes the new smash hit Momster’s University. Three Moms set out to embark on a Chase for the Champion’s Chalice and the perfect game of skeeball. But along their journey they
RESPEskeeT is making a list and checking it twice!
Posted in Milwaukee Skeeball League by Farrell On June 11, 2013

Earlier this week I snuck into the locker room of R-E-S-P-E-skee-T and I was pretty shocked to find this bulletin board hanging in there, so naturally I snapped a quick pic. It looks like they’re not only tracking their opponents and wins/losses,
James finds Jackpot in Wk 1! Can he lead the Heebies to the Grand Prize?
Posted in Milwaukee Skeeball League by Farrell On June 4, 2013

I’ve said it since the pre-skeeson and I’ll repeat it again: I think this just might be the skeeson of destiny for the Heebie Skeebies. This will be their fourth skeeson playing and they’ve come very close to the Chalice every time
MKE: May the IV be with you this Skeeson!
Posted in Milwaukee Skeeball League by Farrell On May 28, 2013

And with the first trilogy complete, Milwaukee now embarks upon Skeeson IV. What lies ahead for these young jedi-rollers? And is it finally the skeeson of the Heebie Skeebies? Can they call upon the force within and allow their inner Yoda to
J+V = D-O-M-I-N-A-T-I-O-N!
Posted in Milwaukee Skeeball League by Farrell On May 21, 2013

Skeeson IV: The Skeeson of Jenni? With Justin and his super team splitting up, anything is possible this skeeson. Could it be the skeeson Jenni finally emerges from her cocoon, spreads her skeeball wings, and soars above the competition? If the first
MKE Skeeson III Super Saturday recap!
Posted in Milwaukee Skeeball League by Farrell On May 14, 2013

Yeah yeah, I know MKE’s Super Saturday was a few weeks back, but with their first Free Skee/Registration of Skeeson IV coming up tomorrow, I figured I should probably get around to posting their SS recap. Now let me just begin by