*Please arrive 10-15 minutes before your scheduled match time

Don’t drink and drive! Call Safe Ride Home!

10/3 – Playoffs
7:00 – #8 Who Everskees vs #11 Duck Dynaskee
7:00 – #9 Team HAM vs #10 2 White Females…
8:00 – #6 Red, White, and Balls vs. winner of #9/#10
8:00 – #7 Whiskee Shooters vs. #12 Plain White Skees
9:00 – winner of #7/#12 vs. winner of #8/#11
9:00 – #4 3 Men and a Babeskee vs. #5 Skee.P.I.
10:00 – #1 E.Skee.U. vs. winner of #4/#5
10:00 – #3 Roll Tide vs #2 Whatever, It’s Just Skeeball
10/5 – Super Saturday
hahaha, ok. I was guessing it was CT's team name. But yeah, skeeting on Markskee would have made a good name, perhaps I'll use that one.
Never thought I would see a name like that… Maybe this year you will actually win something…
bam …..finally a real match
bam …..finally a real match
Talk about POWER matchups…week 5 and we got the top 4 teams rolling against each other, and at the same time nonetheless! Well done Mr. Farrell, well done indeed.
Talk about POWER matchups…week 5 and we got the top 4 teams rolling against each other, and at the same time nonetheless! Well done Mr. Farrell, well done indeed.
CT vs Wonderboy…Wonderboy vs CT. Oooooooooooohhhh
CT vs Wonderboy…Wonderboy vs CT. Oooooooooooohhhh
Oh boy! Here we go babay!! Damn I love the end of the Skeeson and damn I love PRIME TIME matches. Front and center please, CT. Bring it or get run the f*ck over! Ya heard?
Oh boy! Here we go babay!! Damn I love the end of the Skeeson and damn I love PRIME TIME matches. Front and center please, CT. Bring it or get run the f*ck over! Ya heard?
this isn't about me vs wonderboy, this is about IT BURNS WHEN I SKEE vs SKEE911………..fuck that…………its always about CT vs Wonderboy…….
this isn’t about me vs wonderboy, this is about IT BURNS WHEN I SKEE vs SKEE911………..fuck that…………its always about CT vs Wonderboy…….
Agreed (sorta). Team IS all that matters!! …but you gotta admit, you and I have had some knock-down, drag-out, monumental Skeeball death matches…I fully expect the same in t-minus 36 hours and 2 minutes…
Agreed (sorta). Team IS all that matters!! …but you gotta admit, you and I have had some knock-down, drag-out, monumental Skeeball death matches…I fully expect the same in t-minus 36 hours and 2 minutes…
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: "DAMN I love end of Skeeson match-ups!" Helloooooooooo Week 8!!! Is it Thursday yet?
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: “DAMN I love end of Skeeson match-ups!” Helloooooooooo Week 8!!! Is it Thursday yet?
OH. MY. GOD. Did skee gen-x reallly just roll an 872 (on lane 2)? Did they honestly just get beat by a team that rolled 993, with a sub, who rolled bank shots all game? ooooooooooooooooooooooo FACE!
Rad Russian
Derek Skeeter
As SkeeEO would say, Le BOOOOOOOM!
SkeeEO here. I heard about this. I called Pistol Petot, Marksman, and Harris this morning to let them know. I said “Skee Gen X lost last night. On Lane 2. To Stat Boy and two scrubs.” Le Boom is right! PS T-minus 24 hours. CAN. NOT. WAIT.
I'm not sure that I would refer to the Rad Russion or O'Face as "scrubs" Just sayin……
Care to update the schedule?
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii Scooter…
Word of the day is…..lassie. Example: Wonderboy rolls like a lassie
Put your money where your mouth is. Scooter vs. WB straight up. Whatcha got, homie? Let's do this!
My man Fortune said it best "In this life, you don't have to prove nothin' to nobody but yourself. And after what you've gone through, if you haven't done that by now, it ain't gonna never happen."
Cop out, but fine. "Prove" to "yourself" that you can beat me dude v. dude. That'll do aight by this guy.
Challenge Accepted!
B-E-A-utiful! Good times, sir. Good times.
horrible. man up
Fact: I will be kidnapping a Roller from Atlanta and bringing him/her with me to Super Saturday Jan. 22nd. in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Fact: This guy/gal is extremely fun to party with and is stoked about coming and getting drunk with y'all. Farrell loves this roller and chilled late night with the Roller in the Atl League.
Fact: I am uber stoked and ready to party with everyone in Raleigh and have a grudge match with Gatskee that must be handled.
Fact: I am very Factual.
u write really long comments…….fiction
I am uber stoked to party with you and your mom in 2 weeks!
playing Gatskee? That is an easy win!
Is it Thursday yet?
yep, meet everyone at Lucky's at 630….
I'll be there…
we talkin about practice?
yes practice ray….
I was joking. I'm pretty sure Evan was joking. Soooooo, yeah, ummmmm…
This one's for you, Farrell (and Daniel Tosh if he's out there somewhere):
"Why does 6 hate 7? …Cuz 7, 8, 9!" (*chuckle, chuckle, cough, cough, ugggh x 50)
Hiiiiiiiiii Skeeson VII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yea…here we go for week 4. CT, DKS and WB vs. Scooter, Burgundy and Stat Boy. The last ball of the 10th frame WILL matter in this one.
Well, looks like Steverex's dominance should continue for at least one more week as we are on lane 2 again, and unlike everyone else who absolutely hates lane two, that's where Rex's home, its where he feels comfortable. 35 tonight Steverex!