Can Contra Skeet Code repeat as Champs? (And more importantly, can anyone top their uniforms?)

by Farrell on February 21, 2012

Well, it looks like Johnny V, Amethyst, and Rowdy Roddy have no plans of giving up their title as Champions.  They came out in Week 2 and put up an incredible 1211:  JV – 386, Amethyst – 342, Roddy – 483.

So congrats on the nice rolling……but honestly, I’m way more stoked about their uniforms than anything else.  Do you see those things up there?  Suhhhhhh-weet! I doubt anyone is going to top those unis this skeeson, but there’s still time left, so we’ll see….

PS  If you’re digging those customized jerseys, our girl Aubrey does awesome work and can hook you up regardless of what city you’re in

Hit her up at [email protected]


PistolPetot February 22, 2012 at 12:02 pm

Don’t you actually have to wear them first to make them look good?

Howell February 22, 2012 at 2:48 pm

Better Ingredients, Better Pizza–Skee Rex.

JV February 22, 2012 at 5:50 pm

PistolPetot was that your sad attempt at talking shit? Trust me my friend, you will see us wearing our uniforms plenty come Super Saturday. Especially when you participate in giving us our 2nd Beer Shower! Ahhahaha

PistolPetot February 22, 2012 at 7:33 pm

Naw, just a statement

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