Hot Links: Friday Free for all 11/25/11

by Farrell on November 26, 2011

[Editor's note: It's been a while since we've done Hot Links around here, so we're gonna try to get 'em up here every Friday. Why? Because everyone is usually super bored at work (and sometimes hungover -- I'm looking at you, Raleigh, Louisville, Boston, and Chicago) and unproductive and in general just counting down the minutes until the weekend.  So click on some Hot Links and let the time fly by!  PS Hot Links are not to be confused with the original Hot Link, Mr. Ehren "WonderBoy" Link.]

Alright, let’s get this party started.  Click below for the full links.

Anyone ever heard of a cherpumple before?  A cherry pie, pumpkin pie, and applie pie all baked within a huge cake? Looks and sounds amazing.  Everett Phillips, I’ma need you to work on this for my next trip up to Boston!

I can’t stand Nic Cage.  Hands down, one of the worst actors of our generation. The only movie I can even remotely tolerate him in is Family Man. That being said, this little website has been haunting my dreams ever since I first came across it.

Finally, a charity I can get behind:

I can’t decide if these guys are crazy talented, crazy stupid, crazy amazing, crazy crazy, or a crazy combination of all the above.


“People pay to see others believe in themselves.”  — Kim Gordon


This is a pretty cool link where the Muppets give you a plethora of tips to smartify your life, including the best way to dunk a cookie in milk, how to keep your earbuds untangled, and how to eat spaghetti without splattering sauce on your face/shirt/date.  PS  I’m pretty sure I’ve mastered the dunking a cooke in milk method. I leave it in there until about a half a second before it crumbles. Just completely soaked in milk and then amazing in the mouth. I’m pretty sure I’m probably the best cookie dunker in North America….and I’d be willing to take on any challenger. True story.


This guy figured out how to beat the toll stops. Or did he?

An interesting little theory from the New York Times about who actually killed JFK.  Could it have been The Umbrella Man?


While some people might be creeped out by staying in these tubes for a night, I think it looks kinda cool. Now I just need to work Mexico City into my skee travels.



“ …one of the great social pleasures in my life has been to leave gatherings or parties unannounced.”
- What I Didn’t Write About When I Wrote About Quitting Facebook
(PS I used to love leaving parties without saying goodbye. Don’t know why, just loved sneaking out without telling anyone.)

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly caused quite a stir earlier in the week when she proclaimed that pepper spray was “a food product, essentially.”  And then the internet did what the internet does best and created quite the meme around her and her asinine statement.


No matter how many times I come across this article on the internet, it still makes me smirk a little bit and restores my belief in humanity.


Lovin’ this kid’s game:

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