So maybe there’s this little craze called “Bros Icing Bros” sweeping the nation right now. And maybe WonderBoy was the first victim in Raleigh. There are rules and the such, so visit if interested. Basically your bro surprises you with a Smirnoff Ice, you have to take a knee and chug it on the spot. Idiotic and sophomoric? Perhaps. Hilarious? Absolutely.
Place: Piper’s Tavern (obviously)
Date: Memorial Day
PS Piper’s Tavern — hands down best pizza in Raleigh. I have witnesses on this. Sorry about it Lily’s and any other contenders. Piper’s Pizza rocks. Period.
PPS WonderBoy claims that “revenge is a b*tch” and that he’ll get me back. Little does he know, I always travel with a Smirnoff Ice in my back pocket and up my sleeve. True story.
PPPS Stop trying to check out the underage girls in the background you creeper. (I’m talking to you, Mouth!)