Scoregasms Scorecard, Games 1 – 4

by Farrell on April 15, 2010

[Editor's note: A bunch of the Raleigh Rollers are playing together on a softball team during the off-skeeson.  Mark will be giving updated stats after their games, including which skeelebrity fans were in the stands. Below are the recaps for their first four games.]


[Ed's note:  I can't find the stats for this game (damn interns), but Scoregasms lost.]


Scooter & Denise showed up and cheered loudly!
Erica went 2 for 2 – 2 RBIs, walk
Lloyd went 3 for 3 – 2 RBIs
Wendy went 2 for 3 – no errors in her first start at First Base – 2 RBIs
Renee went 0 for 2 but had clutch defense
Dawn went 3 for 3 w/ 2 Runs scored 1 RBI
Mark went 3 for 3 w/ 3 runs scored 1 RBI

The Scoregasms tasted another difficult defeat, losing 18-8. Ugly defense play and poor hitting in the early innings led to an early deficit of 10 runs (12-2). We cut it to 13-8 in the top of the 5th, but more poor fielding led to the 10 run rule in the bottom of the inning. No skeefans showed up this evening, and 3 of our favorites were mysterious no shows at game time despite committing to playing earlier in the day; Sniper, Dozen, and McG. Of the skeelebrities or ‘former’ skeemployees, stats are as follows…

Mark    3-3, 2 2B, 2 runs
DMC    1-3, run (got out the first 2 times and told me not to tell how she did, LOL)
Lloyd    1-3, FC, run
Erica    2-3

And Evan plays hoops on Monday so he wasn’t there.


The Scoregasms came to play tonight…brought the bats and the defense showed up, with an impressive 22 (or 21) – 6 victory. Everyone played much better than the game on Monday, despite the noticeable difference in the level of competition in tonight’s game. With the exception of Evan who only batted once (sat on the bench most of the game), the skeelebrities batted very well (Evan still had a hit though)…

Derek Skeeter   (3-4, 2B, 3 runs, RBI)
DMC   (3-4, 2B, 3 runs, RBI)
Lloyd   (3-3, over the fence [300 ft] HR, 2 runs, 5 RBI)
Erica   (1-1, 2 BB’s, 2 runs)
Dozen   (3-3, run, RBI)
Evan “Rock”   (1-1, 2B, RBI)

Other than Lloyd’s wife, I don’t believe any other fans were there tonight. We’re now 2-2.

  • Mark
    FYI - come out Monday night and root us on, 8:45 pm at Thomas Brooks Park, field #3. Rumor has it the Skee EO will be in attendance. Possible drinks after the game if you're feeling up to it.
  • Mark
    the worst part is they don't let you drink in the parking lot or at the games. Of course, you could always
  • Scooter
    Burgandy you might get kicked out of the park for that. I've seen it in person
  • Mr. Burgundy
    If you need someone to drunkenly yell obscene comments from the stands, let me know.
  • El Duke
    If you ever need a sub let me know.
  • epically awesome photochop!

    I may have been on the bench but I coached'em up!
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